As a child I started with classic ballet and went for many years to a ballet academy. After quitting ballet I studied law and worked as an Environmental lawyer for the Dutch government and the European Commission. The wish to turn back to arts never left me and at the beginning of this millennium I started to work as an artist. First as an art photographer, but after working with different mediums I discovered that I like painting the best. Especially painting in the abstract form, since abstraction gives me the best tools to express myself.
My work is intuitive, expressive and energetic. Movement and gestures play an important role. When describing my style, I often use the terms abstract expressionism or even more specific lyrical abstraction. The theme that often returns in my work is how we as humans relate to nature and our environment. My concern about the future of our planet due to climate change, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, stimulates me to make expressive artworks that reflect my inner thoughts and feelings on this issue. Titles play an important aspect in my works as it allows the viewer a glimpse into the underlying thoughts, feelings and reference sources that have driven me while creating the abstract pieces.
Furthermore oriental art and art inspired by Zen offer great inspiration for me. I like to make Zen Studies and when painting them, I keep in mind the seven characteristics of Zen Aesthetics written down in the book ‘Zen and the Fine Arts’ by Shin’ichi Hisamatsu. Painters such as Willem De Kooning, Cy Twombly, Joan Mitchell, Kazuo Shiraga, Edvard Munch, have strongly influenced me. I favour painting with acrylic and oil, but I also like to use mixed media when making collages.
Born in Hungary, Horvath has lived in the Netherlands since early childhood. Her work has been shown amongst others in Brussels, Milan, Luxembourg and New York. Private collections are held amongst others in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Canada, The Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Italy.